Tips for Gmail
- useful Gmail features
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View more (or less) emails at a time in your inbox
Customizing the email display quantity based on personal preferences and work requirements can provide a user experience that better meets your needs.
Step-by-step Instructions

Customizing the email display quantity on the Gmail page offers the following benefits:

1. Increased productivity: Viewing a larger number of emails at once allows for more efficient browsing and quicker access to important messages.

2. Reduced information overload: Decreasing the display quantity creates a cleaner interface, preventing overwhelming amounts of information from overwhelming you.

3. Personalized experience: Customizing the email display quantity according to your preferences and work needs ensures a user experience that aligns with your specific requirements.

1. You can see how many emails are displayed on one page in the inbox here.

2. If you feel that the display is too much or too little, we can go to the settings interface to adjust it.
3. In the “General” section, the third option is about the setting for the number of emails displayed per page.
4. You can select from the available numbers to show more or fewer emails.
5. After making your selection, scroll to the bottom of the page to save the changes.
6. Now you can see that 100 emails are being displayed here.

Demo Video (View more (or less) emails at a time in your inbox)
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